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The Inspiration Test: what happens when you enter the room?

How will it help me?

What about practical next steps?

How could I use it with my family, team, congregation or organization?

What does it cost?

How will it help me?

The Inspiration Test will help you discover what happens when you enter the room. Everyone brings an inescapable aroma to every room they enter—sometimes pleasant and life-giving, and sometimes… perhaps not quite so much. Find out whether you most breathe hope, capacity, or resilience into the lives of others, and how to become a more inspired and inspiring person.

Sample of Inspiration Strength Page

Your inspiration profile will shed light onto the ways that you uniquely influence the people around you. Bringing your attention to the very real positive impact you can have on others through your personal inspiration strength, your profile reveals the types of people in your life who will most benefit from the light that you bring.

The two sides of hope

Your profile will also point out and help you to better understand the area of inspiration that is a challenge for you at the moment, and is therefore your priority for growth. This growth priority is the most likely and consistent reason you will find yourself uninspired, and uninspiring to the people you spend your time with. In this sample case, Lara's growth priority is capacity. She is good at filling up with wonder, but her sacrifice is less developed.

Sample imbalanced capacity

What about practical next steps?

Your personal inspiration profile includes discussion prompts for talking through your results with a friend. It also includes a key question you need to ask yourself (or have others ask you) every day in order to grow your ability to be inspired and to inspire others. Finally, your profile contains specific action steps you can take to immediately start addressing your unique growth priority, and set your course towards a life of abundant day-to-day inspiration.

Your decision-making tendency toward Liberation or Conservation

How could I use it with my family, team, congregation or organization?

Given your own ability to be inspired is significantly impacted by the influence of those around you, here are some step-by-step instructions for taking your partner, family, team, congregation or whole organization through the process.

What does it cost?

Like all 3 Color World tests, the Inspiration Test costs a single 3 Color World token. Significant bulk discounts for teams and organizations apply. Token pricing

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