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God's Energy — The Complete Trilogy

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God's Energy Trilogy covers

God’s Energy 3 — Transforming Christianity

The three volumes on God’s Energy present the long-awaited theological paradigm that applies far beyond church development. “These books come at just the right time. With his Energy Trilogy, Christian Schwarz tackles several key challenges simultaneously. He provides impulses that deserve to be widely discussed” (Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dietz, Marburg, Germany).

The Energy Trilogy

Volume 1 — Reclaiming a New Testament Reality

How could it be that the New Testament teaching on God’s energy has remained all but invisible to vast parts of Christianity? What new spiritual and theological possibilities emerge when people embrace this dimension and allow it to shape their daily lives? In this first volume of his Energy Trilogy, Christian A. Schwarz unpacks the New Testament concept of energy, explains its explosive implications for today, and explores factors that made Western Christianity first ignore and then suppress it.

Volume 2 — Refocusing Our Image of God

The teaching on God’s energy, as portrayed in the New Testament, has far-reaching consequences for both our view of God and our relationship to God. Can we encounter God as a person, while at the same time being permeated by God’s transpersonal dimension? In the second volume of his Energy Trilogy, Christian A. Schwarz explores how the biblical energy paradigm enhances both Christian theology and spirituality considerably, and enables surprising new ways of experiencing transcendence in the midst of our daily lives.

Volume 3 — Transforming Christianity

In the third volume of his Energy Trilogy, Christian A. Schwarz presents brand-new research findings that reveal a dramatic participation shift in churches all over the world. Many of the approaches that used to work successfully until a few years ago, don’t work any longer. Based on the biblical teaching on God’s energy, the book introduces compelling concepts that can help the church recalibrate its spiritual and theological compass in order to effectively address the new challenges of our century.

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Christian A. Schwarz is founder and president of the Institute for Natural Church Develop-ment (NCD International) and one of the world‘s most distinguished thinkers and communicators of church development. His institute has worked with over 65,000 churches in 70 countries, and his books have been published in more than 40 languages.

Christian A. Schwarz