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The Stewardship Test

How will it help me?

What about practical next steps?

How could I use it with my family, team, or organization?

What does it cost?

How will it help me?

The Stewardship Test will help you to...

...see more objectively which resource out of time, treasure or talent you use best (and which you use most poorly).

The Stewardship Test Personal Profile front page
...understand where your countless everyday decisions about time, treasure and talent are currently taking you (more towards a life of unstructured chaos, lifeless order, or towards life in all its fullness). It will also indicate what you are most likely to experience on your way to that destination (stalling, crashing, or moving forward consistently). The profile will then show you how you can correct that course and make the journey more fluent, fruitful and enjoyable. Where your decisions are currently taking you
...avoid episodes of stalling or crashing as you try to make decisions to best use your time, treasure and talent. It will do this by highlighting within your decision-making your tendency to either focus too much on quality (which leads to stalling) or too much on quantity (which leads to crashing) and how you can bring those into greater balance. Your decision-making tendency toward Quality or Quantity
...also realize whether your stewardship decisions are focused more on conservation (minimizing loss — e.g storing up grain in your barn so no one starves) or liberation (releasing potential — e.g. planting your grain to grow more grain). It will then help you to see how connecting and balancing those two essential concerns is the only real way for life to flourish. Your decision-making tendency toward Liberation or Conservation
...see which of the three pillars of stewardship you most need to focus on in your daily decision-making. Beyond that, it will reveal which of the six stewardship growth forces found in nature—the most fruitful and enduring community ever seen—you most neglect when trying to release life in the people and world around you. In addition, your Personal Stewardship Profile will provide you with detailed insights into each of these areas based on your responses to help you see more precisely what you can celebrate and give thanks for, where you need to grow, and what you can do about it right away. How strong each of the three pillars of stewardship are within your decision-making

What about practical next steps?

The Personal Profile you receive after completing the test includes discussion prompts for talking through your results with a friend along with a key question you need to ask yourself (or have others ask you) every day in order to enhance your stewardship and improve your decision making. It also contains many specific action steps you can take to immediately start improving where your stewardship of time, treasure and talent is not so good. Given your own ability for stewardship is significantly impacted by the stewardship of those around you, the associated guides also contains step-by-step instructions for taking your partner, family, team or whole organization through the process.

How could I use it with my family, team, or organization?

Here are the step-by-step instructions for taking a group of people through the Stewardship Test process.

What does it cost?

Like all 3 Color World tests, the Stewardship Test costs a single 3 Color World token. Significant bulk discounts for teams and organizations apply. Token pricing

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